Sunday, March 26, 2006


Jet lag drove Mikey to bed before six last night, and I was still pretty much in a daze while I surfed around trying to find something to help hold my interest through the evening. I came across MR. BLANDINGS BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE on PBS. It's a Cary Grant/Myrna Loy picture from 1948 about a New York couple who are tired of being packed into a "cramped" Manhattan apartment (complete with a maid) and decide to relocate to Connecticut. I didn't make it all the way til the end (a few sips of red wine and I started nodding off around 9 PM), but the hour-plus I saw was quite charming, and I guess having my sister in NYC and hearing alot of conversations about real estate, moving to the suburbs, etc. made me feel like things really haven't changed that much in the past 60 years. Anyway, it's a sweet film. I always enjoy Cary Grant in comedic mode, and Myrna Loy is inspired - great to see her outside of Nick and Nora turf.


Blogger Kate said...

Isn't it grand? all 1940's dream-house and smart-alecky, with cary and myrna. I always watch this movie when I catch it on TV. i still can't believe they had a maid in that tiny apartment. and a bird!

those were the days.

8:40 AM  

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