Friday, March 31, 2006

I dare you to see this movie

Okay, people, who is going to go see BASIC INSTINCT 2? Who really wants to see this? After hearing so much about the naked thing, is anyone interested? Frankly, a little Sharon Stone goes a long way, and there's been a ton of hype about this.

But, then again, just when we say there aren't any roles for women in their 40s...along comes Sharon.

I think I'm just lamenting the lack of movies I want to see right now. The pandering to the Academy has gotten worse every year, but I find it especially bad right now. The only movies I am interested in seeing are INSIDE MAN and THANK YOU FOR SMOKING. Other than that, these are the other choices at my local theater: BI2, ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN, SLITHER, V FOR VENDETTA, STAY ALIVE, and FAILURE TO LAUNCH. Oh, and around the corner, we have LARRY THE CABLE GUY and SHE'S THE MAN.

And back to Netflix I go...


Blogger Em said...

I don't really know what to say about BI2. Sharon is really a piece of work; I have never really cared for her as an actress (though I enjoyed her turn in BROKEN FLOWERS), but you kind of have to admire her just for being so darned WACKY. I do wonder, though, about the value of her determination to maintain her "sex appeal" as she marches bravely through middle age. Is that all it comes down to for women as they age on screen? Can they stay sexy? How about intelligent, complicated and funny? Well, I could go on and on.

As for the films that are out now, I agree it's a sad time. V FOR VENDETTA has been on our list since Mike has read the graphic novel and really loved it. (Plus, HUGO!! Again, with the Aussies.) I just wish that films of artisitc merit could be released all year long, instead of a glut assaulting us between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's impossible to see everything at once, and it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth about the industry for the other ten months of the year.

David, can you please fix all this??

12:23 PM  
Blogger Em said...

For the purposes of our on-going discussion here about the sad state of affairs for women in Hollywood, I am linking us to Manohla Dargis' review of BI2 in the NYTimes. Some astute and sad observations, mostly stuff we already...

12:59 PM  
Blogger Em said...

I guess you will have to cut and paste the link. Guess the links don't work here in comment-land...

1:00 PM  

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